Summer Camp

Summer Camp
“In Search of the Golden Fleece”

June 24 - July 05; July 8 - July 19
Time: 9:00 - 16:30
Age: 8-14
Language: English
Place: Zavala, Dukley, Budva

The Program

This daytime session is dedicated to the life, history, and myths of ancient Greece.

  1. Introduction: Each squad presents its city-state, starting with living rules, government structures, and entertainment.
  2. Pantheon: Competition featuring Greek gods guarding the city and myths of creation.
  3. Areopagus: Squads create their ideal state and governance system, tasked with resolving disputes.
  4. Iliad and Odyssey: Study of these two works throughout the day, culminating in an evening game where each squad represents a hero.
  5. Olympic Games: Sports competitions between squads, focusing on Olympic traditions and sports.
  6. Gymnasium: Full-day traditional Ancient Greek educational system. Evening features a public debate between squads to demonstrate rules of public speaking and debates.
  7. City-States: A new version of "City of Masters". The entire camp is divided into distinct city-states that live separately and lack resources for survival. The goal is to establish connections with other city-states and organize trade.
  8. Art, Architecture, Sculpture: Each squad prepares its version of a museum of Ancient Greece with guided tours.
  9. Theater: Traditional event following the theatrical traditions of Ancient Greece.
  10. Quest for the Golden Fleece: Game at Lovcen Park featuring team challenges, obstacle courses, puzzles, and logic culminating in the "Capture of the Golden Fleece."

The Schedule

09.00 – 09.15 Assembly
09.15 – 10.15 – Swimming session in St. Nikola’s Island
10.30 – Breakfast
10.45 – 11.30 – Studying activity (native speaker)
11.45 – 12.30 – Studying activity (native speaker)
12.30 – 13.00 – Brainstorming for the end-of-day event
13.00 – 13.30 – Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 – Craft, woodcraft (the kids build the real size ARGO boat), dances
15.00 – 16.00 – Event preparation
16.00 – 16.30 – Event presentation and finalization of the day.

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Summer Camp
“Ancient China”

June 24 - July 19
Time: 9:00 - 18:00
Age: 5 - 8
Language: English
Place: Zavala, Dukley, Budva

The Program

TWe will explore 4 great discoveries of China - calligraphy and printing, paper and origami, compass and travel assistance, gunpowder and fireworks.

Each themed week will develop new skills, feature a different character - all of this against the backdrop of Chinese painting, music, clothing.

The menu will include rice rolls, and we will try eating with chopsticks. Snack time will not pass without a tea ceremony.

Physical education classes will incorporate some martial arts.

Mathematics will focus on the significance of numbers, as numerology is also Chinese!

Chinese etiquette will be added to our rules, which stand unyielding in safeguarding the children.

Only English language use and daily sea trips to the island of St. Nicholas will remain unchanged. But you love us for that too.

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Summer Camp
“Ancient Rome”

July 22 - August 16
Time: 9:00 - 18:00
Age: 5 - 8
Language: English
Place: Zavala, Dukley, Budva

The Program

We will delve into the fundamental gifts of Rome - roads and aqueducts, mosaics, sculptures, newspapers and mail - to present our mini Roman city (little Diocletian) to parents at the end.

Each themed week will develop new skills, feature a different character.

All processes, even ordinary and routine ones, will be connected with the theme of Roman Empire – our teachers’ clothes are Roman, the morning assembly will turn into an exercise in public speaking, Roman numerals are used in mathematics.

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